This is our opportunity…

A New Phase Has Begun…

We aim to raise total funds of £525,000 + VAT

by September 2024

On 5th September 2023, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council agreed to offer the Kingsclere PAYC CIC a 25 year lease, with the option to purchase during this time. This is a huge step forward, and huge thanks to the local councillors who have lobbied hard on our behalf, notably Cllr Kerry Morrow. The risk of losing 24 Swan Street is no longer a threat, and we can now take action and start putting our plans into place.

The goal is to bring 24 Swan Street into community ownership within the next 12 months. Our Community Target is to continue to raise £250,000 towards the purchase 24 Swan Street. Extensive upkeep and repairs are required, so fundraising will be a key feature of the CIC operations. Please scroll down for our calendar of events, to donate, or to find out more about Community Bonds in the PAYC.

With the security of a long-term lease, we can now apply for grants, including the National Lottery, and Greenham Trust.

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council do not currently have a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) policy in place. However they have confirmed they are considering developing a CAT policy in the future as part of their ongoing community asset management.

*24 Swan Street is currently on sale for offers around £750,000 and marketed towards property developers. Prior to this our discussions with Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council indicated it’s value ranged from £450k-£500k market value. We have recently increased our funding target in our aim to raise the asking price.

Join The Pledge 500

Join The Pledge 500

We are continuing

The Pledge 500 Club

We have been overwhelmed with the number of Swan Street Saviours who have already pledged so far reaching an amazing £14,500.

If just 500 people pledge £500 then we reach the purchase price set by Basingstoke and Deane. This will enable the Community Interest Company, through The Greenham Trust match funding scheme, to put in a successful bid and bring the space into community ownership.

The Pledge 500 club will now be open until September 2024 and will finish with Swan Fest ‘24 scheduled for 31st Aug-1st Sept 2024, even bigger and better than before. This grand finale event held on the spectacular White Hill where we plan to celebrate reaching the target needed with a festivity of local music, dance, food & drink and more.

Join The Pledge 500 Club and become a Swan Street Saviour.

Make a pledge

Join the The Pledge £500 Club or make a pledge of your chosen amount. To pledge and find out more click the pledge button.

Contact Basingstoke & Deane Council to let them know how the loss of this building and its parking effects you. Raising awareness about this community asset and what it has to offer is vital! Act now and get your voice heard!